Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Historical Income Tax Brackets

Partial History of
U.S. Federal Income Tax Rates
Since 1913
1913-1915 - 1% 7% Census
1916 - 2% 15% Census
1917 - 2% 67% Census
1918 - 6% 73% Census
1919-1920 - 4% 73% Census
1921 - 4% 73% Census
1922 - 4% 56% Census
1923 - 3% 56% Census
1924 - 1.5% 46% Census
1925-1928 - 1.5% 25% Census
1929 - 0.375% 24% Census
1930-1931 - 1.125% 25% Census
1932-1933 - 4% 63% Census
1934-1935 - 4% 63% Census
1936-1939 - 4% 79% Census
1940 - 4.4% 81.1% Census
1941 - 10% 81% Census
1942-1943 - 19% 88% Census
1944-1945 - 23% 94% Census
1946-1947 - 19% 86.45% Census
1948-1949 - 16.6% 82.13% Census
1950 - 17.4% 84.36% Census
1951 - 20.4% 91% Census
1952-1953 - 22.2% 92% Census
1954-1963 - 20% 91% Census
1964 - 16% 77% Census
1965-1967 - 14% 70% Census
1968 - 14% 75.25% Census
1969 - 14% 77% Census
1970 - 14% 71.75% Census
1971-1981 15 brackets 14% 70% IRS
1982-1986 12 brackets 12% 50% IRS
1987 5 brackets 11% 38.5% IRS
1988-1990 3 brackets 15% 33% IRS
1991-1992 3 brackets 15% 31% IRS
1993-2000 5 brackets 15% 39.6% IRS
2001 5 brackets 15% 39.1% IRS
2002 6 brackets 10% 38.6% IRS
2003-2008 6 brackets 10% 35% IRS

If you are in the top tax bracket, Obama won't raise your taxes, he'll just be undoing the damage done by Reagan.


bikepennst8 said...

Everyone thinks we were never socialists!!! I love it. We were practically commies until Reagan!

Did you get AutoCAD yet?

Anonymous said...

The damage done by Reagan? You mean the greatest peace-time expansion of the economy ever? Peace and prosperity? The destruction of the USSR? Yea, let's undo all of that and go back to the despair of the Carter years. Yeck.

Erik said...

Your argument contradicts itself in that it calls the period of time during which we "destroyed the USSR" "peace-time". It can't be both.... there was enormous amounts of spending spurred on by the threat of the Soviets, basically simulating what the economy would have been like in a real war.

From each according to their means, to each according to their needs.

This only works if we have a system to keep both the rich and poor honest. We can't allow the rich to get a free pass, or the poor to take what they could get on their own. It's tricky, but our current system is certainly not working.