Thursday, November 10, 2005

Facebook is nuts.

Well I'm not sure how far I'll take this blog thing... but I do know one thing after seeing a weird headline on today's Collegian. I won't be bringing up all the illegal shit I do on here... that's for sure, take a look at how the University Police are using facebook to find people who rushed the field after the OSU game.

I agree that beacuse facebook is public domain that the police can access the information, and use it to find people who have commited crimes. Especially the students who assaulted police officers on the field - find those pricks at any cost. But looking over pictures to find people who ran onto the field? Why don't we use the Beaver Canyon cameras to catch jaywalkers who thought they slipped one by big brother?

Anyway. The moral of the story here is, I'm not going to talk about all the weed I grow in my room if none of you post back on here about the teenage girls I usually have over for dinner.

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