Saturday, December 20, 2008


I've come up with another way to waste far too much of my time, but this might (probably won't) end up with me making a few bucks on the side, but at the very least will break even (Although one could argue I'm about a grand in the hole right now....and that's without accounting for the new lenses and flash I want....)

ETPhotography represents about the fourth website I've tried out for selling some prints / cards of my work the past few months. I hope the gallery will grow over time to accommodate all the latest trips that I have pictures from. I'm especially looking forward to the winter scenes of Zion National Park that Nicole and I will be taking in right after the New Year- just a few weeks!

You may notice a banner to the right side that displays some of the prints in my gallery- check them out, and if you have a job and lots of disposable income, and like what you see, throw down for a ten dollar print.

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