Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Photos from Turkey Trot

Throwing the bike on up just before the runup. Wish you could have ridden it, because it would have been pretty sweet to have ridden this little creek, then up a climb, but you didn't carry much momentum, it was sandy, and had a big lip on the top....

The entrance to the "single track-ish" section. Wish I had a picture of barreling through here on the last lap, made up a good 5-10 seconds through the turn alone... though I was pretty damn close to eating it into the large rock.

One set of barriers, located on an uphill meant no bunny hopping. More specifically for me: lack of skills required to bunny hop barriers in the first place led to no bunny hopping.

The sand pit. I rode this pretty well each lap- only got caught up once where I slowed down, but still rode through it easily.

1 comment:

bikepennst8 said...

so how about you win a race?

thats what those ripped quads are for... that and sending me into a depression about my own flabby exterior